EASTER AT BETHEL We welcome you to join us during our Easter Season at Bethel.

Who We Are

Our Mission

Bethel Church is a family of believers committed to making disciples of Jesus who glorify God in all of life.

Our Invitation

We invite you to join us on a pathway to thriving relationships with Jesus and others. 

The pathway consists of four steps:

Step 1: Evangelistic Bridges where we share the love and message of Jesus with a community and world that needs Him.

Step 2: Worship Gatherings where we respond to God in worship and prayer and hear from Him through His Word.

Step 3: Life Groups where we share our lives with each other as we learn, pray, grow, give, serve and celebrate together.

Step 4: Disciple Maker Training where we learn to share Jesus and His life with others who will go on to share Him with others, too.

Our Core Values

Recognizing our absolute dependence upon the Holy Spirit, we prayerfully embrace these essential core values:

We care about God and His glory… therefore:

We care about The Bible and its authority… therefore:

We care about the Gospel and its power… therefore:

We care about people and their needs… therefore: