Bethel’s electives help us to understand biblical truths and the theology, ministry, and history God has authored. ELECTIVES offer various levels of study on life issues and books of the Bible, theology, and biblical application in various areas of life.
The spring semester begins on February 2, with classes starting at 9 a.m. and meeting weekly on Sundays.
- The Story of God, Bethel Elders, Rm 208: This study is designed to explore the Bible’s grand narrative of redemption, from Genesis to Revelation. This chronological journey reveals how God’s plan, centered in His Son, weaves through the entire Bible. By understanding this overarching story, participants will gain a deeper appreciation of Scripture and its meaning for their lives. The study emphasizes group discussions, creating the opportunity to learn and grow together. Workbooks will be provided.
- New Members, Rm 202: For those interested in becoming a member of Bethel Church, or just want to learn more about us. Register in the foyer on Sundays, or call the Bethel office, 713.782.8948
- Books of the Bible, Frank Jones, Room 203: An expositional study through books of the Bible
- Student Ministries, Student Room: Book of Genesis, MS & HS Group study with light breakfast
- Bethel Kids First Hour, Kids Church: Grades 1-5
- Childcare, Babies to Kindergarten