EASTER AT BETHEL We welcome you to join us during our Easter Season at Bethel.

Bethel Biblical Counseling

Bethel Biblical Counseling is a Christ-centered ministry of care and hope whose foundation rests on the authority of the Word of God as being sufficient for every area of life. This ministry has as its primary goal to bring glory to God as Scriptures are ministered to hurting people who seek God honoring change in their lives. We believe that positive change is possible in the life of any Christian through the power of the Holy Spirit who dwells within.

Table of Contents

Make a Request for Counseling
Biblical Counseling Team
From the Director
Frequently Asked Questions


Counseling to Individual/Couple/Family sessions are primary services provided.

Pre-marital and pre-engagement counseling is reserved for Bethel Church members/attenders. If for some reason you’re unable to obtain pre-marital counseling at your home church, we can suggest a few alternatives for you that may be suitable for your schedule:

Make a Request for Counseling

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Biblical Counseling Team

John Shannon, ACBC
Biblical Counseling Director

Sharon Currans, ACBC

Emily Kennedy, ACBC

Melissa Roedel, ACBC

Roberta Wallace, ACBC

A Way Forward

Here is a common situation for most people: they are doing just fine in many parts of their life while at the same time struggling in another. We understand that there are times in life when people just need a helping hand to bring clarity to a problem area that is not making sense. People in situations like this find it helpful for someone to come alongside, to be an encourager and show a way forward through hope found in the Bible. That is what we do at Bethel Biblical Counseling (BBC).

Foundational to BBC services is that people need to know God’s wisdom principles and apply them in life. Our counselors work on the basis that God’s wisdom is always needed in the counseling process, and that in His Word we find all we need concerning the issues of life and living-out a godly life. As such, it is the goal of BBC to bring glory to God through the application of Scriptures to hurting people in need of change; not just any change, but change that produces Christ-likeness. By speaking the truth in love to genuine life issues, we help people see how the Scriptures lead the way through this hope-filled change process which also addresses the problem they want to work through.

Frequently Asked Questions of the Bethel Counseling Ministry

What is Biblical Counseling?

Biblical counseling is proclaiming Jesus as our savior (the gospel message), and the implications for living a life based on the Scriptures. It is also about building a trust relationship between the counselor and counselee through discipling, and offering biblical solutions to problems of life

What kind of problems can biblical counseling help me with?

Most every life issue is addressed in Scripture; for those which are not specifically described, these will be addressed from a biblical wisdom standpoint with relevance to the specific situation. The goal is to always seek God’s wisdom to determine what is good, better or best.

Where do I begin?

Go to the Bethel Counseling web page, read the information presented. You’ll be able to make a request for counseling on that page based on your membership situation. The Bethel Counseling web page can be found at: https://bethelofhouston.com/ministries/counseling/

What is the cost for counseling services?

The schedule of charges are:

What can I expect from the Counseling Ministry?

Regularly scheduled meetings, usually weekly, with your counselor of about 1 hours in duration, and a committed counselor who will provide accountability to guide you through areas of life-change.

What is my commitment if I come to counseling?

Our goal is to graduate all counselees after having dealt with the issues that brought them to counseling. On average, this is 8 – 12 weekly sessions, which will include homework assignments.

What are the credentials of a Bethel counselor?

All Bethel counselors are trained according to the standards of the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (ACBC). For more info go to: https://biblicalcounseling.com/certification/

If I want to train to become a biblical counselor, what is my first step?

Call the Bethel office (713-782-8948), leave a message, and a member of the counseling staff will contact you.

Can non-Bethel members be counseled?

Yes, anyone can request counseling. Often we have a waiting list for those seeking counsel, and we place them on the list in priority by: Bethel Member, Bethel regular attender, non-Bethel associated.

What is the Bethel Counseling ministry view on medications?

We view legal medications as a Romans 14 issue, which means the counselee chooses what to do regarding taking medication. It is not within scope of the counseling ministry to recommend using, or not using, or to discontinue using legal medications.

Can I request a specific counselor to meet with or do I have to take the one I’m given?

Yes, you may request a specific counselor, however it might lengthen your wait time.

What is the setting where counseling takes place?

Counseling is in a private setting at Bethel Church. We have individual counseling rooms in our counseling center where you and your counselor will meet.

In Honor of Don Currans:

From June 2011 to February 2023 Don Currans was Bethel’s Director of Biblical Counseling. Don spent that time selflessly caring for the needs of others by offering without charge the life-changing wisdom and mercy of God’s Word to all who would come. Through his tenure, literally thousands of lives were touched and redeemed by the power of God’s Spirit at work though Don. Bethel will forever be indebted to his ministry in our church and for our Lord. Don was a great leader, a kind friend, and above all, a good and faithful servant of Jesus Christ. He is sorely missed, but he is now at home with Him. To God be the Glory.