EASTER AT BETHEL We welcome you to join us during our Easter Season at Bethel.

Worship at Bethel

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for His own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who called you out of darkness and into His marvelous light. (1 Peter 2:9)

This is the purpose for which we are called. Our worship is a response to what God has revealed Himself to be through His Word – not only in who He is, but also in what He has done for us through His son, Jesus.

Worship includes all of our responses to God, including responses of the heart, mind, and will. Our heart expresses itself in words and songs, our mind when we learn what God wants us to do, and our will when we obey and serve.

Worship at Bethel incorporates both traditional worship songs and contemporary praise songs. Join us! Experience worship at Bethel Church.

Sunday Schedule:

Kids Schedule

Listen on Spotify

Join us in worship this week! These are the songs we’re singing at Bethel Church this week. Come sing with us on Sunday.

This Week at Bethel

Join us in worship! These are some of the songs that God has been using in the life of Bethel Church. We hope they’re a blessing to you.

Worship at Bethel

These are songs for kids from the Gospel Project.

Playlist for Bethel Kids (Grades 1-5)

Playlist for Bethel Kids Jr. (Babies-PreK)