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We want to help you connect with Christ and the family of God here at Bethel.

We understand that people show up at church from all sorts of backgrounds and at all places in their spiritual journey. Our desire is to meet people where they are and help them take the next step.

First, we desire everyone connect with Jesus Christ.

Then, after connecting with Christ, we want to help them connect with the family of God here at Bethel.

Connect with Christ

Have you ever considered the reality that God wants to connect with you? That he loves you? That he even has a plan and purpose for your life?

Connect with God’s Family

Fellowship happens when we celebrate in worship on Sunday mornings, but relational connections develop in our small group time. That’s why life groups are a vital part of our body, where our faith gets to the friendship level.

Sunday Mornings

Life Groups Near Me

Our Invitation

We invite you to join us on a pathway to thriving relationships with Jesus and others. 

The pathway consists of four steps:

Step 1: Evangelistic Bridges where we share the love and message of Jesus with a community and world that needs Him.

Step 2: Worship Gatherings where we respond to God in worship and prayer and hear from Him through His Word.

Step 3: Life Groups where we share our lives with each other as we learn, pray, grow, give, serve and celebrate together.

Step 4: Disciple Maker Training where we learn to share Jesus and His life with others who will go on to share Him with others, too.