EASTER AT BETHEL We welcome you to join us during our Easter Season at Bethel.


Formerly known as MOPs

At MomCo, we believe better moms make a better world. This is true during the preschool years and beyond. We want to help you find an authentic community, receive mothering support, and attain personal growth and spiritual hope so you can be the best mom possible.

MomCo 2024-2025:

Bethel Church is excited to host this well-known program starting September 10, 2024 through April 2025. We meet on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month from 9:45 am – 12 pm. You can join at any time of the year.

$115 Includes all supplies and childcare

Scholarships are available. Please contact us at [email protected]


Children ages 5 and under are lovingly cared for in the MomCo Kids program. The program will consist of great lessons and crafts for your child(ren) to enjoy in a safe environment with an incredible team of trained childcare staff.
Our school age classroom will accommodate kids ages 6 through fifth grade. All staff are well trained and provide a safe environment for your kids.


Join MomCo

We would love to have you join us for MomCo! Your first visit is free, and we encourage you to check us out. Please contact us before you visit so we can check availability of childcare and greet you upon arrival.

To contact us, send an email to: [email protected] and include your name, the date you would like to visit our MomCo Ministry, and the ages of your children needing childcare.

Welcome to All Women

We’ve all been placed in this time and place in history, as the tribe of women who are raising the world. And the beauty of it is that we don’t all have to agree with one another but everyone is in and we all need each other.

Come Hungry!

What would be a gathering without food?!? We’ll have breakfast ready for ya, so all you have to worry about is feeding  your lil one(s). Come hungry!

Honest Conversation

Real talk is liberating. It frees us from assumptions that we are alone in our struggles. We value taking a risk and sharing your story in order to heal someone else from their isolation.

Relevant Teaching

Really, who needs another tutorial on how to make crepe paper flowers? What we provide is mommy friends who get you, hope-filled insight, and speakers who know we’ve only had three hours of uninterrupted sleep last night so they better keep it interesting.


Look, we all love our kids, but let’s be honest: a little break now and then makes us want to be with them even more. We provide a preschool-style experience for your kiddos that they will love going back to.


Sometimes we need a wise woman who has been there and done that to bounce ideas off of. That’s why we love our MomCo Mentors, they have sage advice and willing ears.

Leadership Development

You have the ability to do big things. We want to help you gain the confidence to use your voice to change your world.