He is Risen! Join us for our worship service celebrating the Risen King. Joining us in Worship is The Dorrington Quartet, Shepherd School of Music, Rice University 9:00am: Coffee House is open 10:00am: Worship Service, in-person and live streamed 10:00am: Kids Programs, In-Person for ages 0-5th Grade 11:30am: Post Gathering-Kids Egg Hunt for children up to
Kids Egg Hunt for children up to 5th Grade Join us after our Worship Gathering for an Egg Hunt with your Bethel family and friends. The Bethel Coffee House is open for anyone not hunting eggs but wanting to hang out after the Worship Gathering.
We are excited to welcome Dr. James Tour to Bethel as our guest speaker on Friday, April 22. Dr. James Tour is a Professor of Chemistry, Computer Science, Materials Science and NanoEngineering at Rice University. Dr. Tour, who grew up in a secular Jewish home will discuss his nanotechnology research, faith in Jesus Christ and the physical resurrection